Grade 9 Social Science Unit 3


Topic 1: Pre-History of Papua New Guinea

This topic delves into the early history of Papua New Guinea, focusing on the first settlers, historical evidence, and timelines of early migrations.


The exploration of Papua New Guinea's pre-history provides crucial insights into the island's earliest human activities. By examining historical evidence and timelines, students develop an understanding of migration patterns and cultural developments among the early settlers.

Key Points

📜 What is history? Understanding history as a study of past events and its role in interpreting human development.

🏞️ Early settlers of New Guinea: Investigation into the origins and migration routes of the island's first inhabitants.

📂 Historical evidence: Exploration of various evidence forms, such as artifacts and oral traditions, used to reconstruct early history.

Historical timelines: Construction of chronological sequences to map significant events in Papua New Guinea's early history.

🗿 Contemporary evidence of early migration: Analysis of recent discoveries that enhance understanding of ancient migrations.


  1. What is History? Introduction to the concept of history, highlighting its importance in preserving and interpreting past events.
  2. The Early Settlers of New Guinea: Study of the migration patterns and cultural adaptation of the first people to settle in New Guinea.
  3. Historical Evidence: Examination of archaeological findings and oral histories that help reconstruct Papua New Guinea's early past.
  4. Historical Timelines: Creation and analysis of timelines to understand key events in the prehistoric era.
  5. Contemporary Evidence of Early Migration: Review of modern discoveries that provide new insights into ancient human migrations into New Guinea.

Topic 2: The Early Pacific People

This topic covers the history and lifestyle of early Pacific peoples, focusing on their navigational skills, changing lifestyles, and a case study of the Gilbert Islands.


The study of early Pacific peoples highlights their remarkable navigational skills and cultural adaptability. Through case studies and historical analysis, students gain insights into the diverse lifestyles and challenges faced by these early islanders.

Key Points

Pacific pathfinders: Examination of the advanced navigational skills of early Pacific explorers.

🏝️ Changing lifestyles: Analysis of how environmental and social factors influenced the lifestyle changes among early Pacific peoples.

🛖 Case Study: The Gilbert Islands: Detailed look at the history and lifestyle of the Gilbert Islands’ inhabitants.


  1. The Pacific Pathfinders: Exploration of the sophisticated navigational techniques that enabled early Pacific peoples to traverse vast ocean distances.
  2. Changing Lifestyle in the Pacific: Study of how early Pacific islanders adapted their lifestyles in response to changing environmental and social conditions.
  3. Case Study – The Gilbert Islands: In-depth examination of the Gilbert Islands, focusing on the adaptation of its people to their environment and external influences.

Topic 3: The World Comes to Papua New Guinea

This topic explores the arrival of explorers, settlers, traders, missionaries, and colonial administrators in Papua New Guinea, marking significant cultural and economic changes.


The arrival of global forces in Papua New Guinea brought transformative changes. The study emphasizes the impact of external influences on the region, including exploration, trade, and colonization, and their effects on local cultures and economies.

Key Points

🌍 Explorers and new lands: Overview of early European exploration and mapping of Papua New Guinea.

🏡 European settlers: Analysis of European settlement patterns and their impact on local populations.

💰 Traders, planters, and Labor recruiters: Examination of economic activities by foreigners, including trade and agriculture.

✝️ Missionaries: Exploration of missionary work in spreading Christianity and influencing local cultures.

🏛️ Colonial administrators: Study of the role and policies of colonial officials in governing Papua New Guinea.


  1. Explorers and New Lands: Introduction to the European explorers who mapped and claimed Papua New Guinea’s territories.
  2. The European Settlers: Examination of the arrival and settlement of Europeans and their effects on indigenous populations.
  3. Traders, Planters, Labor Recruiters, Miners (Others): Analysis of economic activities introduced by foreigners and their impacts on local communities.
  4. Missionaries: Study of missionary activities, their efforts to convert local populations, and resulting cultural changes.
  5. Colonial Administrators and Government Representatives in PNG: Understanding the roles and policies of colonial officials and their influence on Papua New Guinea.

Topic 4: World War II in Papua New Guinea

This topic covers Papua New Guinea’s experiences during World War II, focusing on the impact of the war on the country and its people.


World War II had profound effects on Papua New Guinea, reshaping its social, economic, and political landscape. The study highlights the war's impact on local populations, infrastructure, and long-term development.

Key Points

⚔️ World War II in Papua New Guinea: Overview of major battles and events in Papua New Guinea during World War II.

👥 Experiences of Papua New Guineans during the war: Examination of local involvement and experiences during the conflict.

💥 Effects of the war: Analysis of the short- and long-term impacts of World War II on Papua New Guinea’s people and infrastructure.


  1. World War II in Papua New Guinea: Detailed account of the war’s major events and battles within the region.
  2. Experiences of Papua New Guineans during the War: Exploration of the local population's roles and experiences during World War II.
  3. Effects of the War: Analysis of the war's impact on Papua New Guinea, including infrastructure damage, social disruption, and long-term changes.


