Grade 10 Social Science Unit 3




Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries through trade, investment, technology, and cultural exchange. This topic explores how globalization affects Papua New Guinea across various sectors including the economy, culture, and tourism.


  1. Lesson 1: What is Globalisation?
    • Definition: The integration of economies, societies, and cultures through global networks of trade, communication, and immigration.
    • Key Characteristics: Increased international trade, investment flows, technological advances, and cultural exchange.
    • Drivers: Technological advancements, trade agreements, and international policies.
    • Global Impact: Economic growth, cultural exchange, and increased access to global markets and information.
  2. Lesson 2: Globalisation and Papua New Guinea
    • Economic Impact: Changes in trade patterns, foreign investment, and economic growth. Analysis of sectors like mining, agriculture, and fisheries.
    • Cultural Impact: Introduction of global culture, shifts in traditional practices, and the influence of media and technology.
    • Social Structure: Changes in social dynamics, migration patterns, and changes in employment opportunities.
  3. Lesson 3: Economic Globalisation and Multinational Corporations
    • Role of Multinational Corporations (MNCs): Their influence on local economies, job creation, and resource management.
    • Impact on Papua New Guinea: Examination of MNCs in sectors such as mining and agriculture. Effects on local communities and environmental concerns.
    • Economic Benefits and Challenges: Economic growth vs. potential exploitation and environmental degradation.
  4. Lesson 4: Globalisation and Global International Brands
    • Spread of International Brands: Influence on local markets, consumer behaviour, and local businesses.
    • Impact on Papua New Guinea: Changes in consumer preferences, effects on local industries, and brand presence in the market.
  5. Lesson 5: Globalisation and Culture (Westernisation)
    • Cultural Changes: Influence of Western culture on local traditions, lifestyles, and values.
    • Cultural Integration: Adoption of Western fashion, media, and entertainment. Impact on indigenous cultures and practices.
  6. Lesson 6: Globalisation and Tourism
    • Tourism Growth: Increase in international tourism and its benefits for the local economy.
    • Challenges: Managing environmental impact, preserving cultural heritage, and addressing the needs of local communities.
    • Opportunities: Promoting sustainable tourism and leveraging global interest in Papua New Guinea’s unique cultural and natural resources.



International relations study the interactions between countries, focusing on diplomacy, trade, and regional cooperation. This topic examines how Papua New Guinea engages with the international community and the impact of these relationships.


  1. Lesson 7: What is International Relation?
    • Definition: The study of political, economic, and social interactions between countries.
    • Importance: Understanding diplomacy, trade relations, and international cooperation.
    • Engagement: How countries work together on issues like trade, security, and environmental challenges.
  2. Lesson 8: Papua New Guinea and International Trade
    • Trade Relations: Key trading partners, major exports and imports, and trade agreements.
    • Economic Impact: Effects of international trade on the local economy, including benefits and challenges.
  3. Lesson 9: Papua New Guinea and Immigration
    • Immigration Trends: Patterns of migration into and out of Papua New Guinea.
    • Impacts: Social, economic, and cultural effects of immigration. Integration challenges and opportunities for migrants.
  4. Lesson 10: Papua New Guinea and International Aid
    • Role of International Aid: Key donor countries and organizations, types of aid (e.g., developmental, humanitarian).
    • Impact on Development: Benefits and challenges of international aid in sectors like health, education, and infrastructure.
  5. Lesson 11: International and Regional Security
    • Security Issues: Regional security concerns, including maritime disputes and natural disasters.
    • Cooperation: International and regional efforts to address security challenges and promote stability.
  6. Lesson 12: Papua New Guinea and Regional Groups
    • Regional Alliances: Papua New Guinea’s participation in groups such as the Pacific Islands Forum.
    • Benefits: Collaborative efforts on regional issues, trade agreements, and development projects.



This topic addresses various types of conflicts and methods used to resolve them, focusing on ethnic conflicts and their resolution.


  1. Lesson 13: Ethnic Conflicts
    • Definition: Conflicts arising from ethnic divisions, often involving competition for resources or political power.
    • Causes and Effects: Historical grievances, economic inequalities, and social tensions.
    • Resolution Methods: Peace processes, dialogue, and reconciliation efforts.
  2. Lesson 14: Ethnic Conflicts in Papua New Guinea
    • Specific Conflicts: Examination of ethnic tensions and conflicts within Papua New Guinea.
    • Resolution Efforts: Government and community initiatives to address and resolve ethnic disputes.
  3. Lesson 15: Conflicts in the Pacific: Coup in Fiji
    • Coup Background: Causes of the coup, key events, and the political situation in Fiji.
    • Consequences: Impact on Fiji’s political stability and regional relations.
  4. Lesson 16: Ethnic Conflict and Genocide in Rwanda
    • Rwandan Genocide: Analysis of the ethnic tensions leading to the genocide, key events, and international response.
    • Lessons Learned: Insights into conflict prevention and resolution.
  5. Lesson 17: Serb and Croatian Conflict
    • Historical Roots: Origins of the conflict between Serbs and Croatians, key events, and resolution efforts.
    • Impact and Resolution: Effects on the region and efforts to achieve peace.
  6. Lesson 18: Terrorism
    • Definition and Causes: Understanding terrorism, its motivations, and its impact on global and local security.
    • International Response: Strategies and measures to combat terrorism.
  7. Lesson 19: Civil War
    • Causes and Consequences: Examination of the causes of civil wars and their impact on societies.
    • Resolution: Approaches to ending civil wars and rebuilding societies.
  8. Lesson 20: Religious Conflict
    • Causes: Analysis of conflicts arising from religious differences and their impact on societies.
    • Resolution: Strategies for managing and resolving religious conflicts.
  9. Lesson 21: Social Conflict
    • Types of Social Conflicts: Includes class struggles, civil rights movements, and societal changes.
    • Resolution Methods: Approaches to addressing social inequalities and promoting justice.


