Grade 9 Information & Communication Technology Unit 4



Lesson 1: The Spreadsheet and Its Purpose

  • Overview: Introduction to spreadsheets and their uses.
  • Key Actions:
    • Understanding Utility: Learn how spreadsheets are used for data management and analysis, including budgeting, data tracking, and report generation.
    • Identifying Uses: Explore different applications like financial planning, project management, and data visualization.

Lesson 2: Planning the Content of Spreadsheet

  • Overview: Organizing and planning data entry.
  • Key Actions:
    • Structuring Data: Determine how to organize information (e.g., categories, labels).
    • Defining Categories: Identify key data categories and structure them accordingly.
    • Setting Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with the spreadsheet (e.g., tracking expenses, analysing sales).

Lesson 3: Ethical Use of Files and Data

  • Overview: Guidelines for handling data responsibly.
  • Key Actions:
    • Ensuring Data Privacy: Protect sensitive information and adhere to privacy laws.
    • Understanding Copyright Laws: Ensure you have the right to use and distribute data.
    • Maintaining Data Integrity: Avoid data manipulation and ensure accuracy.

Lesson 4: Exploring the Excel Window

  • Overview: Familiarizing with Excel's interface.
  • Key Actions:
    • Identifying Components: Learn about ribbons, toolbars, and status bars.
    • Using Features: Explore basic functionalities like menus, shortcuts, and navigation tools.

Lesson 5: Moving Around in the Workbook

  • Overview: Navigation techniques in Excel.
  • Key Actions:
    • Using Shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for efficient navigation.
    • Navigating Sheets: Move between different sheets and workbooks.
    • Cell Selection: Use different methods to select and edit cells.

Lesson 6: Saving and Exiting Excel

  • Overview: Properly saving work and closing the application.
  • Key Actions:
    • Saving Workbooks: Save your files in different formats and locations.
    • Using "Save As": Create new versions of your files with different names or formats.
    • Exiting Safely: Close Excel properly to avoid losing unsaved changes.


Lesson 7: Setting Up Rows and Columns

  • Overview: Basic worksheet setup.
  • Key Actions:
    • Defining Layout: Set up the basic structure by adjusting rows and columns.
    • Adjusting Sizes: Change row heights and column widths to fit your data.

Lesson 8: Entering Data and Formula

  • Overview: Data entry and basic calculations.
  • Key Actions:
    • Inputting Data: Enter text, numbers, and dates into cells.
    • Writing Formulas: Create basic formulas for calculations (e.g., addition, subtraction).

Lesson 9: Adding and Deleting Rows and Columns

  • Overview: Modifying worksheet structure.
  • Key Actions:
    • Inserting Rows/Columns: Add new rows or columns to accommodate more data.
    • Deleting Rows/Columns: Remove unnecessary rows or columns.

Lesson 10: Editing Data

  • Overview: Making corrections and updates.
  • Key Actions:
    • Editing Content: Modify existing data in cells.
    • Using Undo/Redo: Revert changes or redo actions using the undo and redo features.

Lesson 11: Setting Up Cell Attributes

  • Overview: Customizing cell appearance.
  • Key Actions:
    • Formatting Cells: Change cell fonts, colours, and number formats.
    • Aligning Text: Adjust text alignment within cells.
    • Applying Borders: Add borders to cells for better organization and readability.

Lesson 12: Sorting Data

  • Overview: Organizing data efficiently.
  • Key Actions:
    • Sorting Data: Arrange data alphabetically, numerically, or by specific criteria.


Lesson 13: Adding Numbers in Various Cells

  • Overview: Basic addition in Excel.
  • Key Actions:
    • Using SUM Function: Apply the SUM function to add numbers from multiple cells.
    • Adding Multiple Values: Create formulas to add different cell values together.

Lesson 14: Subtracting Numbers in Various Cells

  • Overview: Basic subtraction operations.
  • Key Actions:
    • Creating Subtraction Formulas: Use formulas to subtract numbers in different cells.

Lesson 15: Multiplying Numbers in Various Cells

  • Overview: Performing multiplication in Excel.
  • Key Actions:
    • Using Multiplication Formulas: Create formulas to multiply values in different cells.

Lesson 16: Dividing Two Numbers

  • Overview: Basic division operations.
  • Key Actions:
    • Creating Division Formulas: Use formulas to divide one number by another.
    • Handling Errors: Address common division errors such as division by zero.

Lesson 17: Using Auto Sum

  • Overview: Quick addition of data.
  • Key Actions:
    • Applying Auto Sum: Use the Auto Sum button to quickly add a range of cells.

Lesson 18: Copying Data or Formula

  • Overview: Replicating data and calculations.
  • Key Actions:
    • Copying and Pasting: Duplicate data or formulas to different cells.
    • Using Fill Handle: Drag the fill handle to copy formulas or data across multiple cells.


Lesson 19: Creating a More Complex or Unusual Formula

  • Overview: Advanced formula creation.
  • Key Actions:
    • Using Nested Functions: Combine multiple functions in a single formula.
    • Logical Operators: Apply logical operators (e.g., AND, OR) for complex calculations.
    • Conditional Formulas: Use IF statements to perform calculations based on certain conditions.

Lesson 20: Formatting a Worksheet

  • Overview: Enhancing worksheet appearance.
  • Key Actions:
    • Applying Themes: Use themes to apply consistent formatting across your worksheet.
    • Conditional Formatting: Highlight cells based on specific criteria.
    • Using Data Bars: Visualize data with data bars to show relative sizes.

Lesson 21: Using Print Preview

  • Overview: Preparing for printing.
  • Key Actions:
    • Checking Layout: Review how your worksheet will look when printed.
    • Making Adjustments: Adjust margins, orientation, and scaling to fit your content.

Lesson 22: Printing a Worksheet

  • Overview: Printing options and settings.
  • Key Actions:
    • Selecting Print Areas: Choose specific areas of the worksheet to print.
    • Setting Preferences: Configure print settings such as colour options and page layout.

Lesson 23: Creating a Graph with Chart Wizard

  • Overview: Visual data representation.
  • Key Actions:
    • Using Chart Wizard: Create charts to visualize data trends and comparisons.
    • Formatting Charts: Customize chart types, colours, and labels to enhance readability.

Lesson 24: Incorporate Graphs in Word Processing

  • Overview: Integrating Excel data into Word.
  • Key Actions:
    • Embedding Charts: Insert charts into Word documents to present data alongside text.
    • Linking Data: Link Excel data to Word to keep the data updated automatically.


