Grade 9 Mathematics Unit 5



Lesson 1: Points, Lines, Angles, and Planes

  • Objective: Introduce basic geometric concepts such as points, lines, angles, and planes.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Points: Specific locations with no dimensions.
    • Lines: Extend infinitely in both directions and have one dimension (length).
    • Angles: Formed by two intersecting lines.
    • Planes: Flat surfaces extending infinitely in all directions.
  • Example: The corner where two walls meet forms a line, and the corners of the walls are points.

Lesson 2: Types of Angles

  • Objective: Understand different types of angles based on their measure.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Acute: Less than 90 degrees.
    • Right: Exactly 90 degrees.
    • Obtuse: More than 90 but less than 180 degrees.
    • Straight: Exactly 180 degrees.
    • Reflex: More than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees.
    • Complete: Exactly 360 degrees.
  • Example: The angle between the hour and minute hand at 1:00 is acute.

Lesson 3: Complementary and Supplementary Angles

  • Objective: Learn about complementary (sum to 90 degrees) and supplementary angles (sum to 180 degrees).
  • Key Concepts:
    • Complementary: Angles that add up to 90 degrees.
    • Supplementary: Angles that add up to 180 degrees.
  • Example: 30° and 60° are complementary, while 110° and 70° are supplementary.

Lesson 4: Intersecting Lines

  • Objective: Explore how lines intersect and the angles formed at the intersection.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Intersection: Point where two lines cross.
    • Angles: Created at the point of intersection.
  • Example: The point where two roads cross creates angles at the intersection.

Lesson 5: Parallel Lines

  • Objective: Understand lines that never meet, no matter how far they extend.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Parallel Lines: Lines in a plane that are equidistant and never intersect.
  • Example: Railroad tracks are parallel lines.

Lesson 6: Reasoning with Parallel Lines

  • Objective: Study the properties and angles formed when a transversal intersects parallel lines.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Transversal: A line that crosses two or more parallel lines.
    • Corresponding Angles: Equal when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
    • Alternate Interior Angles: Equal when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
    • Alternate Exterior Angles: Equal when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
  • Example: When a transversal crosses two parallel lines, corresponding angles are equal.


Lesson 7: Types of Polygons

  • Objective: Identify various polygons based on the number of sides.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Triangles: 3 sides.
    • Quadrilaterals: 4 sides.
    • Pentagons: 5 sides.
    • Hexagons: 6 sides, etc.
  • Example: A polygon with five sides is a pentagon.

Lesson 8: Triangles

  • Objective: Classify triangles by side lengths and angles.
  • Key Concepts:
    • By Sides:
      • Equilateral: All sides equal.
      • Isosceles: Two sides equal.
      • Scalene: All sides different.
    • By Angles:
      • Acute: All angles less than 90 degrees.
      • Right: One angle is 90 degrees.
      • Obtuse: One angle is more than 90 degrees.
  • Example: An equilateral triangle has all sides and angles equal (60 degrees).

Lesson 9: Quadrilaterals

  • Objective: Learn about quadrilaterals and their types.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Squares: All sides and angles are equal (90 degrees).
    • Rectangles: Opposite sides are equal, all angles are 90 degrees.
    • Parallelograms: Opposite sides are equal and parallel.
    • Rhombuses: All sides are equal, opposite angles are equal.
    • Trapeziums: Only one pair of parallel sides.
  • Example: A square has four equal sides and all angles are right angles.

Lesson 10: Mixed Problems

  • Objective: Solve problems involving the identification and classification of polygons.
  • Key Concepts: Identification based on side lengths and angles.
  • Example: Given side lengths and angles, classify the polygon as a triangle, quadrilateral, etc.


Lesson 11: Area of Triangles and Rectangles

  • Objective: Calculate the area of triangles and rectangles using specific formulas.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Triangle: Area = 1/2 × base × height.
    • Rectangle: Area = length × width.
  • Example: A rectangle with a length of 5 units and width of 3 units has an area of 15 square units.

Lesson 12: Area of Parallelograms, Rhombuses, and Trapeziums

  • Objective: Calculate the area of parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapeziums.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Parallelogram: Area = base × height.
    • Rhombus: Area = 1/2 × diagonal1 × diagonal2.
    • Trapezium: Area = 1/2 × (base1 + base2) × height.
  • Example: A parallelogram with base 6 units and height 4 units has an area of 24 square units.

Lesson 13: Compound Shapes

  • Objective: Find the area of compound shapes by breaking them into simpler shapes.
  • Key Concepts: Decomposition of complex shapes into basic geometric shapes.
  • Example: Calculating the area of an L-shaped figure by dividing it into two rectangles.

Lesson 14: Applied Problems

  • Objective: Use area calculations in real-life situations.
  • Key Concepts: Application of area formulas to practical problems.
  • Example: Determining the area of a garden plot to estimate the amount of soil needed.


Lesson 15: Surface Area of Prisms

  • Objective: Calculate the surface area of prisms.
  • Key Concepts: Sum of areas of all faces of a prism.
  • Example: For a rectangular prism, Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh.

Lesson 16: Volume of Prisms

  • Objective: Calculate the volume of prisms.
  • Key Concepts: Volume = base area × height.
  • Example: For a cube with a side length of 3 units, Volume = 3³ = 27 cubic units.

Lesson 17: Surface Area and Volume of Pyramids

  • Objective: Find the surface area and volume of pyramids.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Surface Area: Sum of the base area and the area of the triangular faces.
    • Volume: Volume = 1/3 × base area × height.
  • Example: A pyramid with a square base and height 10 units has a volume = 1/3 × base area × height.

Lesson 18: Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders

  • Objective: Calculate the surface area and volume of cylinders.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Surface Area: Surface Area = 2πr² + 2πrh.
    • Volume: Volume = πr²h.
  • Example: A cylinder with a radius of 4 units and height 10 units has a volume = 160π cubic units.

Lesson 19: Surface Area and Volume of Cones

  • Objective: Find the surface area and volume of cones.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Surface Area: Surface Area = πr(r + l), where l is the slant height.
    • Volume: Volume = 1/3 × πr²h.
  • Example: A cone with radius 3 units and height 5 units has a volume = 15π cubic units.

Lesson 20: Surface Area and Volume of Spheres

  • Objective: Calculate the surface area and volume of spheres.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Surface Area: Surface Area = 4πr².
    • Volume: Volume = 4/3 × πr³.
  • Example: A sphere with a radius of 6 units has a surface area = 144π square units.


